National 5 SQA Study Guides from Bright Red

BrightRED Study Guides for National 5 help you develop and apply invaluable knowledge and skills for your SQA exams. National 5 courses are made up of a number of Units and a Course Assessment. The Course Assessment consists of a question paper exam and/or coursework such as assignments, portfolios and practical activities. Our National 5 Study Guides cover each of the mandatory units and also include an extensive Glossary of key terms.

These full-colour books cover all content in an easy-to-learn format and are packed with BrightRED features including Don't Forget text boxes for key points  and Things To Do And Think About questions and exercises. Every National 5 Study Guide is also fully supported with lots of free online links, tests and activities at the award-winning BrightRED Digital Zone.

BrightRED Study Guide


Adrian Finnerty

Develop performance skills and learn how to create original music. Up-to-date with the latest SQA course changes.


ISBN: 978-1-906736-86-6, 96pp

The aims of the National 5 Music course overall are to enable students to develop performing skills on two instruments, or one instrument and voice and perform appropriately challenging music with sufficient accuracy while maintaining the musical flow. The BrightRED Study Guide for National 5 Music will show students how to create original music using compositional methods and appropriate music concepts creatively when composing, arranging or improvising.

By using the book, students will also develop knowledge of the influence of social and cultural factors on music and broaden knowledge and understanding of music and music literacy.

The BrightRED Study Guide will also be fully supported online by the free BrightRED Digital Zone with extra links and activities.


  • Introduction
  • The Music of Scotland
  • World music
  • Popular music
  • Vocal music
  • Timbre - instruments and how they are played
  • Forms, styles and periods
  • 20th century music
  • Music Literacy
  • Performing skills
  • Course Assessment
  • Glossary of concepts