National 5 SQA Study Guides from Bright Red

BrightRED Study Guides for National 5 help you develop and apply invaluable knowledge and skills for your SQA exams. National 5 courses are made up of a number of Units and a Course Assessment. The Course Assessment consists of a question paper exam and/or coursework such as assignments, portfolios and practical activities. Our National 5 Study Guides cover each of the mandatory units and also include an extensive Glossary of key terms.

These full-colour books cover all content in an easy-to-learn format and are packed with BrightRED features including Don't Forget text boxes for key points  and Things To Do And Think About questions and exercises. Every National 5 Study Guide is also fully supported with lots of free online links, tests and activities at the award-winning BrightRED Digital Zone.

BrightRED Study Guide


Chris & Aileen MacKay

We are publishing a revised edition of this Study Guide to reflect the recent 2017 SQA changes. Buy this original edition for the special price of £6.50.


ISBN: 978-1-906736-40-8, 144pp

**Please note this Study Guide is NOT up-to-date with the latest 2017 course and exam changes. We are publishing a revised and updated National 5 History- Scotland Study Guide in the forthcoming months and selling our original copy for the special price of £6.50. Whilst this Study Guide is not up-to-date with the latest SQA exam changes, it is still packed full of relevant and useful content for this course.**

Our National 5 Study Guide for History - Scotland covers four out of the five Scottish History options. It will give you the material and sources which can help you pass the course option you are being taught. The book will allow you to learn about why particular Scottish events happened and the impact of these events. You will develop abilities to think for yourself and form your own opinions of historical events, supporting these opinions with evidence. 

This consise Study Guide not only provides excellent text based revision but also includes plenty of supporting online material, tests and links on the BrightRED Digital Zone.


  • The Wars on Independence, 1286-1328
  • Mary Queen of Scots and the Reformation, 1542-1587
  • Migration and Empire, 1830-1939
  • The Era of the Great War, 1910-1928