National 4 Study Guides from Bright Red

BrightRED Study Guides for National 4 are a great choice for students embarking on their National Qualifications.  

These engaging, full-colour books will help you to develop and apply skills for learning, skills for work and skills for life. Helpful hints are provided throughout the books in the Don't forget features, while there are plenty of opportunities to practice applying your knowledge through Things to do and think about activities. These guides are perfect for use in the classroom or for personal study.

BrightRED Study Guide


Margaret Cook and Fred Thornhill

Helps you achieve success with concise coverage of the National 4 Biology course.


ISBN 978-1-906736-46-0, 96pp                                                                                

The SQA National 4 Biology course helps students develop knowledge and understanding of current biological topics, ranging from the processes which take place inside cells to the relationships between organisms and the environment. There are four Units in the course and the National 4 Biology Study Guide from Bright Red covers all the Key Areas: Cell Biology, Multicellular Organisms and Life on Earth.

The aim of this book is to help you achieve success in your assessment of the key areas by providing you with a suggested coverage of the Key Areas of the course. Helpful hints are provided throughout the book in the Don't Forget features, while there are plenty of opportunities to practice applying your knowledge through Things To Do And Think About activities. 


  • Cell Biology
  • Multicellular Organisms
  • Life on Earth
  • Course Assessment