CfE Advanced Higher Study Guides from Bright Red

BrightRED CfE Advanced Higher Study Guides are the only books written specifically to cover each element of the SQA CfE Advanced Higher qualifications in Scotland. To pass any course at CfE Advanced Higher level, you need commitment and regular study for the duration of the course. The main aim of BrightRED Study Guides for Advanced Higher is to help you achieve success in the SQA exams by providing concise but comprehensive coverage of key areas of the course.

Helpful hints and advice are provided in Don't Forget text boxes of BrightRED books and Things To Do And Think About sections provide questions to test your knowledge and understanding of the content and to help you extend your problem solving skills. Every Advanced Higher Study Guide is also fully supported with lots of free online links, tests and activities at the award-winning BrightRED Digital Zone.

BrightRED Study Guide


Janette Kelso & Eliane Whitelaw

Builds on foundations from Higher and helps achieve success at Advanced Higher level.


ISBN:978-1-906736-94-1, 96pp

This Study Guide for CfE Advanced Higher French from Bright Red will help you achieve success by taking you through the various challenges of the Advanced Higher French course. The Advanced Higher course will continue to build on the foundations laid down in Higher, so you need to ensure the basics are in place. You will see in this guide how topics can be integrated and how the topics are not prescriptive. The topic areas can be explored in class and at home but the main way to achieve success in Advanced Higher French is to develop the skill areas of Reading, Listening, Talking and Writing.

The book will take you through your work in one year leading to the examination. It should be used to complement the work that you are doing in class. It offers you a combination of exemplar material, grammar points and a guide to revision of the topics you need to cover for the exam. It will also talk you through some techniques for improving your work as well as giving you insights into exam techniques.

Your teacher will not be able to cover absolutely everything that is on the suggested list of context development, but you don’t need to worry too much about that. You will be given plenty of practice at developing your skills in reading, listening, talking and writing, and that is what counts. 

Our Study Guide for Advanced Higher French is further supported by audio files hosted on the Downloads tab above, as well as a wealth of extra material on the BrightRED Digital Zone. 


  • Introduction
  • Society
  • Learning
  • Employability
  • Culture
  • Course Assessment
  • Reading
  • Translation
  • Discursive Writing
  • Performance
  • Portfolio
  • Grammar
  • Appendices

Advanced Higher French Study Guide - Audio File Transcripts

Track 1: Listening, page 9: À quoi ressemble la famille française?

Track 2 : Listening, page 11 : Vie conjugale – le nombre de mariages est en hausse

Track 3: Listening, page 13: Les portables

Track 4: Listening, page 15: Ma grand-mère sur Internet

Track 5: Listening, page 17: L’électricité verte

Track 6: Listening, page 21: Le cyberharcèlement

Track 7: Listening, page 25: La connaissance des langues est-elle un plus pour trouver un travail?

Track 8: Listening, page 27: Un adolescent sur trois serait proche du burnout

Track 9: Listening, page 29: Echec au baccalauréat

Track 10: Listening, page 31: Étudier à l’étranger – choisir un pays selon la langue

Track 11: Listening, page 35: Comment préparer son entretien d’embauche ?

Track 12: Listening, page 37: Quelle est l’importance des langues sur le marché du travail ?

Track 13: Listening, page 39: Les idées reçues sur les profs

Track 14: Listening, page 41: Coach emploi

Track 15 : Listening, page 43 : Voyage humanitaire – le séjour responsable

Track 16: Listening, page 45: Solutions innovantes – garde des enfants

Track 17: Listening, page 47: Contrôle des frontières – Le geste de Theresa May

Track 18 : Listening, page 49 : Cinq idées reçues sur les migrants

Track 19: Listening, page 51: Semaine contre le racisme

Track 20 : Listening, page 53 : Des langues en voie d’extinction

Track 21: Listening, page 55

Track 22: Listening, page 56: Les objectifs mondiaux

Track 23: Listening, page 57: Emma Watson and the world’s largest lesson